self development of people

PC(USA) ministry group visits Sierra Leone and Liberia

Three ministries with Compassion, Peace and Justice are in Sierra Leone this week to see first hand how work is progressing for the West Africa Initiative, a collaboration of Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), Self-Development of People (SDOP) and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA).

SDOP National Committee fine-tunes work to better serve communities in need

The National Committee of the Self-Development of People (SDOP) wrapped up its first meeting of the year by voting to re-configure some of the processes of completing its work. Reduced giving and the retirements of nearly half the SDOP staff in 2016 have prompted the committee to make changes to better meet the needs of communities seeking assistance.

SDOP national committee chair is encouraged about the future of ministry

For Rebecca Reyes, the work never ends. The retired Presbyterian pastor has put a lifetime into working for the denomination by pastoring a church, working as a campus minister and leading Latino health services at Duke University Hospital. A fourth-generation Presbyterian, Reyes was the first Hispanic woman ordained by the denomination.

SDOP National Committee fine-tunes work to better serve communities in need

The National Committee of the Self-Development of People wrapped up its first meeting of the year by voting to re-configure some of the processes of completing its work. Reduced giving and the retirements of nearly half the SDOP staff in 2016 have prompted the committee to make changes to better meet the needs of communities seeking assistance.

Business is growing for Somali refugee women’s project supported by SDOP

Business is looking good for a group of Somali refugee women seeking to support their families in Columbus, Ohio. The group is part of the Capital Park Women’s Empowerment Project, working to give low income women an opportunity to forge their own path and market their business.

Kentucky Council of Churches joins ‘Higher Ground Moral Day of Action’

Faith leaders and activists gathered today on the steps of the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort demanding legislatures uphold the values and principles upon which the United States was founded. The group of 80 progressive clergy and supporters joined similarly-timed “Higher Ground Moral Day of Action” demonstrations around the country asking elected officials to apply guidelines present in the Constitution, Bible, Quran and other holy texts to policy making.

SDOP disburses more than $120,000 for self-help projects

The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) approved grants totaling $124,000 to fund several self-help projects in the United States and abroad. The national committee met recently to approve funding for the projects, funding which is made possible through the One Great Hour of Sharing.