rev. mark baridon

‘When one thing goes out of whack in our communities, many things go out of whack’

Richard Clay, a certified social studies teacher and a longtime community activist and educational consultant in Detroit, has been blind since the age of 2. As one who holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Michigan, the fact that he stressed education — especially the education of the wider community about how to best support people with disabilities — came as little surprise during Wednesday’s “The Struggle Is Real” webinar on poverty and disabilities, put on by the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People. More than 50 people participated.

Eileene MacFalls, a Presbyterian devoted to social justice, dies at 81

The Rev. Mark Baridon remembers the Wednesday that Eileene MacFalls calmed tension during the midday prayer and lunch served up each week by a group of downtown Louisville churches. Those churches include Central Presbyterian Church, which Baridon serves as co-pastor and where MacFalls attended.