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rev. dr. laurie kraus
The Rev. Dr. Laurie Kraus has a theory about why some Americans have rushed to buy guns during the COVID-19 pandemic.
One of the surprising headlines, to some people, out of the COVID-19 pandemic is that in addition to toilet paper and hand sanitizer, people have been stocking up on guns.
In less than a month, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has granted 208 requests for assistance in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic for a total of $1,119,688 in grants.
Halfway through her opening statement on Wednesday’s edition of “Standing Our Holy Ground,” the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s year-long webinar series about how the church can respond to gun violence, Nicole Hockley of Sandy Hook Promise cited some extraordinary achievements by her group.
Like many small businesses, the dynamics of the coronavirus pandemic are putting a strain on a lot of churches — some of which were already hanging on by a thread.
For decades, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has stood ready to respond to domestic and international disasters — even a crisis on the monumental scale of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Somewhat submerged in the barrage of headlines about COVID-19 is news that Mother Nature is still doing her thing.
As Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear addresses the state each day about efforts to fight the coronavirus, he often stresses the need to take steps to keep anxiety in check during these difficult times.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has made the difficult decision to call for the closure of volunteer host sites and cancel volunteer trips through June.
Many people worldwide have questions about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), first detected in China and now in more than 60 locations internationally, including the United States.