rev. brenton thompson

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board says goodbye to a dozen of its own

The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board took care of a bit of business Friday. But mostly board members stuck to the important business of telling those members rotating off the board after years of faithful and sometimes difficult service how much their hard work has meant to the Agency, the Church and God’s kin-dom.

Finding their voice and maintaining their boundaries

The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board spent more than two hours in closed session Thursday undergoing boundaries training put on by the Minnesota-based LeaderWise consulting firm. Part two of the training for board members is slated for Friday afternoon, again in closed session.

Blueprint for the mission agency’s vision process laid out

Headed into next week’s Presbyterian Mission Agency Board meeting on Jan. 22, the board’s Coordinating Committee met Wednesday to learn more about a plan to better align the agency to more effectively bring about the Matthew 25 invitation with its three foci: building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.