
New Advent resources available

Advent is a season of anticipation and preparation. It is a time to reflect on the stories we tell about the arrival of hope and new life. In this time of uncertainty as a denomination and a country, several Presbyterian ministries and partnerships have produced new devotionals for the Advent season to proclaim the constancy of God’s love and presence among us.

Reformation Sunday resources for Oct. 27

As Presbyterians in the U.S. prepare to celebrate Reformation Sunday on the last Sunday of October along with millions of other Reformed church members across the globe, the Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) is once again offering a fascinating glimpse into the key events and figures of the Protestant Reformation.

PC(USA) launches new Israel-Palestine resource page

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has a new online landing page that will allow users to engage with the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict more easily using digital resources.

Addressing domestic violence from the pulpit

Many readers know of someone in their family, congregation or community who has been impacted by domestic violence in one way or another. To address the topic that is not often discussed or preached from many pulpits on Sunday mornings, the Hispanic/Latino-a Intercultural Congregational Support Ministry created the Gospel, Pastoral Care, and Domestic Violence series, an educational encounter series that addresses domestic violence and the faith community.

PC(USA) Daily Prayer app a hit in Canada

Shortly after he was elected moderator (April 1) of the 146th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, the Rev. Dr. Daniel Scott discovered the PC(USA) Daily Prayer app.

Minute for Mission: 1001 New Worshiping Communities

In 2012, the General Assembly made a bold commitment — to create an environment within the denomination that would lead to the flourishing of the existing church and the birth of at least 1001 new communities of worship and witness. The Presbyterian Mission Agency went to work creating a system of resources to support this call to equip presbyteries, help potential leaders discern God’s call, develop a system of grants, build leadership capacity and create a network of coaches prepared to accompany a new worshiping community through all the stages of development. Establishing partnerships and collaboration with other North American denominations, the reach of these resources extends far beyond the PC(USA).

Using our resources wisely and creatively to change the world

Romans 8 describes a world groaning and lamenting for its redemption. Not only Creation, the writer says, but we ourselves groan waiting for redemption of our bodies. The good news is that the Spirit of God intercedes, for nothing can separate us from the love of God.