
September edition of Facing Racism explores The Doctrine of Discovery

Calling on congregations to offer an educational event exploring The Doctrine of Discovery, the September edition of Facing Racism from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) asks participants to consider the history of exploitation of Indigenous Peoples in the United States.

Statement of former PC(USA) General Assembly Moderators on Charlottesville

We write to you as former Moderators of the General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its predecessor churches, as disciples of Jesus Christ committed to the Gospel’s witness and promise of reconciliation, and as agents of God’s transformative justice in the church and in the world.

PC(USA) leaders condemn white supremacy, racism

In the wake of a weekend of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia fomented by the “alt-right,” four top leaders of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) today issued a statement condemning white supremacy and racism.

Stated Clerk’s statement: ‘Are we complicit in the racism of the alt-right?’

White supremacy raised its head and occupied a weekend of the news. We are reeling as a nation from President Trump’s cursory statement that failed to aggressively condemn the existence of the alt-right and their promotion of vitriolic racial rhetoric and white supremacy. No longer can we make statements of denial that racial hatred and bigotry are isolated occurrences in our society.

Ministerio en la intersección del racismo y la pobreza

Por conteo a mano alzada, una gran parte de los/as asistentes a la plenaria de Big Tent el viernes por la tarde (7 de julio) indicaron que al menos habían leído Waking Up White por Debby Irving, un libro sobre el privilegio blanco recomendado a la iglesia por las Co -Moderadoras de la Asamblea General, Jan Edmiston y T. Denise Anderson.

인종차별과 빈곤의 교차점에 있는 사역

세인트 루이스 – 금요일 오후 빅텐트 전체 회의 (7월 7일)에 참석한 사람들 중 상당수는 총회 공동 총회장인 Jan Edmiston 과 T. Denise Anderson 목사의 추천으로 백인 특권에 관한 책인 Debby Irving의 Waking Up White을 읽었다고 손을 들며 응답했다.

빅텐트 폐회예배는 변화의 씨앗을 심고 경작하도록 장려함

세인트 루이스 – 신약에서 예수님은 씨 뿌리는 자의 비유를 제자들과 나누셨다. 그 이야기에서 예수님은 씨 뿌리는 자들이 씨를 뿌릴 때 바위 같은 땅에 떨어지거나 가시 나무에 떨어지거나 다른 씨앗이 풍부한 땅에서 번성 할 수 있다고 설명한다.