puerto rico

Delegación del Programa Presbiteriano de Asistencia en Desastres viaja a Puerto Rico

Los ánimos se levantaron cuando el servicio comenzó el domingo en Iglesia Presbiteriana Monteflores, cerca del centro de San Juan. La gente fue cálida y acogedora con la delegación del Programa Presbiteriano de Asistencia en Desastres (PDA por sus siglas en inglés) que había llegado a adorar y ser parte de la comunión.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance delegation travels to Puerto Rico

Spirits were high as services began Sunday at Monte Flores Iglesia Presbyterian Church near downtown San Juan. The people were warm and welcoming to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance delegation that had come to worship and fellowship.

Finding God in El Guacio

Some Presbyterian leaders have said that they have found God in special places. For Puerto Rican Presbyterian leaders, El Guacio is one of those holy places.

Junta de Pensiones Presbiteriana no recolectara cuotas de beneficios en Puerto Rico

La Junta de Pensiones de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) anunció hoy que no recolectara cuotas para el plan de beneficios en los tres presbiterios y sus iglesias en Puerto Rico. Por ahora, el período de exención se aplica a las cuotas adeudadas desde septiembre hasta diciembre del 2017 y se volverá a evaluar al culminar el año.

Presbyterian Board of Pensions waives benefits dues in Puerto Rico

The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) announced today it is waiving benefits plan dues for the three presbyteries and their churches in Puerto Rico. For now, the waiver period applies to dues owed September through December 2017 and will be reassessed at the close of the year.

Presbytery leader in Puerto Rico reports on damage from Hurricane Maria

The Rev. Edwin González-Castillo, Stated Clerk of the San Juan Presbytery in Puerto Rico, says the biggest challenge he is facing in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria is communications. Attempting to reach and coordinate relief efforts across the island has been hampered by downed communication lines outside of San Juan, infrastructure damage due to flooding and ongoing concerns about fuel shortages.

Huracán María llega a Puerto Rico

La temporada de huracanes en el Atlántico está siendo fiel a su título mientras que el huracán María hace estragos en Puerto Rico hoy. La tormenta de categoría 4 llegó a tierra esta mañana con vientos de 155 mph, sólo dos mph por debajo de la categoría 5.

Hurricane Maria hits Puerto Rico

The Atlantic hurricane season is living up to its title as Hurricane Maria wreaks havoc on Puerto Rico today. The Category 4 storm came ashore this morning with winds of 155 mph, just two mph below Category 5 status.

Following God’s call

I am Veronica Soto-Feliciano, 37 years old, born and raised on a small island in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico. I come from a family that has been serving God in the PC(USA) for over 35 years. I’m one of three children in a family that loves to celebrate their happiness and failures with all the extended family.