Bounding up to the pulpit with his laptop computer, Big Tent Bible study leader Eric Barreto cut right to the chase: “We have a problem,” he told a chapel full of Presbyterians gathered in the Graham Chapel on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis.
Midway through The Fellowship Community’s 2017 national gathering—held February 21–23 at the First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, Florida—incoming TFC Board president, the Rev. Dr. Jerry Andrews, led off the board’s presentation on “The State of The Fellowship Community” (TFC).
The speakers on the opening day of The Fellowship Community National Gathering charged over 200 church leaders to more intentionally “live on mission” in order to make missional disciples.
When Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed in 2017, thousands of young people will be honoring his legacy not only on January 16, but over the entire holiday weekend—even over a lifetime—of service as they gather in Orlando, Florida, for a unique event called Faith in 3D.