Presbytery of San Juan

Presbytery leader in Puerto Rico reports on damage from Hurricane Maria

The Rev. Edwin González-Castillo, Stated Clerk of the San Juan Presbytery in Puerto Rico, says the biggest challenge he is facing in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria is communications. Attempting to reach and coordinate relief efforts across the island has been hampered by downed communication lines outside of San Juan, infrastructure damage due to flooding and ongoing concerns about fuel shortages.

Las dos caras de Puerto Rico

Como territorio de los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico es un paraíso tropical donde se pueden escuchar las olas del mar o admirar las hermosas montañas. Pero eso «puede ser malinterpretado», dice Luis J. Ocasio Torres, Moderador del Presbiterio de San Juan, «esta gente está bien, miren lo hermosos que son los hoteles».

The two faces of Puerto Rico

As a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico is a tropical paradise where one can listen to the ocean waves or admire the beautiful mountains. But that “can be misinterpreted,” says Luis J. Ocasio Torres, Moderator, San Juan Presbytery, as in “these guys are doing fine, look at how beautiful the hotels are.”

El Comité Ejecutivo de la PMAB comienza reunión de primavera del 2017

La reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión (PMAB) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) (PMAB) ayer presentó actualizaciones de los comités constituyentes, enlaces y grupos de trabajo en previsión de la labor que completará durante su reunión de primavera del 2017.

PMAB Executive Committee previews spring 2017 meeting

The meeting of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) Executive Committee here yesterday featured updates from constituent committees, liaisons and working groups in anticipation of the work the Committee will complete during its spring 2017 meeting.

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly begins spring meeting

With the hospitality of the leaders and churches of the Presbytery of San Juan at the forefront and an unparalleled view of Old San Juan Harbor as a backdrop, the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) opened its spring meeting here on Tuesday, March 21.

PMA and OGA boards to meet in San Juan this week

LOUISVILLE – Meeting of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) and the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) will get underway in San Juan, Puerto Rico beginning tomorrow.