presbytery of newton

Take up the shield of faith

Many individuals and churches have answered the call to make cloth masks to address the shortage of personal protective equipment for frontline medical professionals.

A restorative Sabbath

A couple months ago, which now seems a couple lifetimes ago, a pastor friend described an intentional day away from the tasks of ministry as a “restorative day.” It sounded so lovely … and elusive.

Per capita, financial sustainability committee crafting its final report

Meeting at the Presbyterian Center for three days beginning Monday, the Special Committee on Per-Capita Based Funding and National Church Financial Sustainability Committee is wrapping up the task of completing its final report by the Feb. 21 deadline for consideration by the 224th General Assembly this summer.

Joy! ‘I’ve never received anything like this’

The letters with an individual check of $50 from Stewartsville Presbyterian Church, written out to every teaching elder in the Presbytery of Newton, came in the mail this May.