Durante la celebración del primer aniversario del domingo de la iglesia On The Way , el Rvdo. Rafael Viana comenzó a ver una convergencia de muchas cosas.
Jesus is calling all of us to be his witnesses at home, work and every place we visit—to be his change agents and for the gospel to transform us and transform the people we are working with.
The way Mark Roberson sees it, it was Roswell Presbyterian Church’s turn to plant a church. Roberson, a ruling elder for over 50 years—18 of those at Roswell—knew more than just a little about church planting. He’d worked with the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta’s New Church Development Commission (NCDC), and in 2011 he just knew it was Roswell’s time.
The Rev. Philip Akway Obang, general secretary of the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SSPEC) is sending regular updates about the changing situation in South Sudan and has asked for support of his American brothers and sisters.