Experiencing prayer with Ukrainian immigrants in Spokane, Washington, was so powerful recently for the Rev. Sheryl Kinder-Pyle that she felt compelled to share her experience with others.
Forced to leave their homes and their countries, migrants often set out on journeys with a vague understanding of where they are headed. Refugees and asylum seekers know that even when the physical route itself is direct, their metaphorical journey is much less certain.
In September 2019 the Synod of the Southwest and the Native American Ministries Coordinating Committee (NAMCC) held a successful gathering of the 29 Native American churches and chapels that are a part of the Synod. A debriefing followed that gathering.
Join CAME, a shelter for families seeking asylum; Frontera de Cristo, a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ministry; and Centro de Recursos para Migrantes at 5 p.m. Arizona/Pacific Time (8 p.m. Eastern Time) on Friday, Sept. 25, for a livestreaming event from the border.
Hardly a day goes by without the Rev. Brad Munroe receiving a call from someone wanting to make a donation to help Native Americans in the southwestern United States, many of whom are struggling to cope with poverty and the weight of COVID-19 and its economic fallout.