presbyterians today

6개 언어로 된 Presbyterians Today 2018년 사순절 묵상

루이빌 –사순절은 기도, 금식 및 파스칼 신비에 대한 약속과 묵상의 시간입니다. 아마도 사순절을 살아가는 방법에 대하여 선지자보다 더 좋은 모델은 없을 것입니다. 회중, 가족 및 개인을 위해 고안된 2018년 오늘의 장로교인 사순절 묵상집은 재의 수요일부터 Presbyterian Today 블로그에 매일 소개됩니다.

Devocional para la Cuaresma 2018 de Presbyterians Today disponible en seis idiomas

La temporada de Cuaresma es un tiempo de oración, ayuno y contemplación del poder y la promesa del misterio pascual. Tal vez no hay mejores ejemplos de cómo vivir la Cuaresma que los profetas. Diseñado para uso congregacional, familiar e individual, el devocional para la Cuaresma 2018 de Presbiterians Today, aparecerá diariamente en el blog Presbyterians Today que comienza este miércoles de ceniza.

Presbyterians Today Lenten Devotional: Jesus and the Prophets

The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and contemplation of the power and promise of the paschal mystery. Perhaps there are no better models of how to live Lent than the prophets. Designed for congregational, family and individual use, the 2018 Presbyterians Today Lenten devotional is now available for ordering.

Wisdom Journey: A Declaration of God-Dependence

The Declaration of Independence was an incredible document. For the first time in history, or at least for the first time in a history that lasted, it was declared that people have inalienable rights, endowed by God, that a government should protect and defend.

Principles of investing

If you’re fortunate to have a 401(k) or IRA but know little about investments, chances are you spend a minimal amount of time reviewing your quarterly statement — a quick glance at the numbers to see if they’re up or down. But do you really know where your hard-earned dollars go?

Kentucky church keeps on praying

Wisdom. That’s one of the things the Rev. Jacob Duché prayed for at the first Continental Congress in 1774—wisdom in forming a nation. Prayers for wisdom and unity continue in the United States on the National Day of Prayer.

A witness to resurrection hope

While violence and fear continue to pervade war-torn Syria, Presbyterians across the United States are helping those displaced by the conflict rebuild their lives. Thanks to previous gifts given to One Great Hour of Sharing, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has been able to respond quickly to the refugee crisis.