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Upon the recommendation of the faculty and the president, the board of trustees of Union Presbyterian Seminary has appointed the Rev. Dr. Rebecca L. Davis as associate professor of Christian education, with tenure, at the Charlotte campus; and Dr. James E. Taneti as assistant professor of world Christianity at the Richmond campus. Taneti’s primary role will be as director of the Syngman Rhee Global Mission Center for Christian Education.
The World Council of Churches (WCC) Annual Review 2017 is available for download online. The annual review records many of the WCC’s activities undertaken in 2017 and continuing into 2018.
A raíz de una serie de comentarios aprobados por la Junta de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión (PMAB) en respuesta al informe y recomendaciones de la Comisión camino hacia Adelante (WFC) y el Comité de Revisión de Todas las Agencias (AARC), los dos grupos creados por la asamblea han coincidido en una respuesta que proporciona justificaciones adicionales a sus recomendaciones originales.
Following a series of comments approved by the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) in response to the report and recommendations of the Way Forward Commission (WFC) and all Agency Review Committee (AARC), the two Assembly-created groups have concurred in a response that affirms their original recommendations.
Mound Ridge Retreat and Mission Center, Inc.executive director Christy Foster knew the end was coming. She says God placed it on her heart soon after she arrived at the Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center in the Missouri Ozark countryside. Mound Ridge like many of the churches it served was going through a transformation.
전국 교회 협의회(NCCK)는 4월 27일 판문점 선언으로 한반도의 평화 번영과 통일에 대한 입장문을 발표했다.
The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) released a statement on April 27 in response to the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity, and Unification of the Korean Peninsula.
Ten humanitarian workers, held by an armed opposition group in South Sudan, have been freed after five days in captivity. The United Nations today announced the release of the staff, all South Sudan nationals.
While trying to predict what shape any Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly will take, several issues are shaping up to take center stage June 16-23 when the 223rd General Assembly convenes in St. Louis.
The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) ended its pre-General Assembly board meeting here reaffirming, with one amendment, its Governance Task Force’s comments(GTF) to General Assembly 223 (2018) regarding reformation the A Corp proposal from the Way Forward Commission and Office of the General Assembly.