Voting “with regret,” the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Personnel and Nominating Committee reported to the entire board Friday that budget restraints and the “current COVID reality” will mean no pay increases during 2021 for PMA staff.
A proposed Vision Plan for Stony Point Center, a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)-affiliated center for hospitality and community-building along the Hudson River north of New York City, recommends investing in significant renovations, including the installation of private bathrooms in three lodges and construction of a facility called Cairncroft to replace the center’s current Evergreen building and provide modern meeting space, dining and administrative functions.
Here’s an idea. What if the Presbyterian Mission Agency picked one clear mission focus for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – the idea of being a Matthew 25 denomination – and stuck with it for five or 10 years?
The sources to pay for the nearly $631,000 in deferred maintenance that a consultant says is needed at the Stony Point Center north of New York City have been identified.
On Friday staff at the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area and others will hear about a Presbyterian Mission Agency initiative already underway informally and organically in a number of Presbyterian churches.