Since the Syrian Civil War began in March 2011, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has been responding to the needs of affected communities in Syria and Lebanon. Working in conjunction with ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together), members and ecumenical partners have been providing relief to refugees in neighboring countries and to internally displaced Syrians.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is working in collaboration with its partner, the ACT (Action by Churches Together) Alliance to respond in the aftermath. As many as 6,000 families in Ecuador will receive food, water, sanitation and hygiene as well as community-based psychosocial support and non-food items.
As many as 200 firefighters responded as flames spread to five houses and the Presbyterian Church of the Crossroads. One of the houses was the church manse.
Information is still coming in about the devastating effects of the earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is organizing a response to help sustain life and restore hope in the coming days.
Essential hygiene kits assembled with help from congregations by Scott O’Neill | Presbyterian News Service The Mid-Kentucky Presbytery is aiding the PC(USA)Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) program by assembling hygiene kits for… Read more »
Kamiah was surrounded by fire. All roads in and out were closed except one. Luann Howard, longtime pastor of the Kamiah and Kooskia Presbyterian Churches, decided to get the dozen refugees to the church in the nearby town, setting it up as an emergency evacuation center.
National Response Team Annual Meeting Concludes after Full Agenda The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team (NRT) treats every annual meeting like a family reunion. More than 100 volunteers and team members gather each year for training, worship, sharing and, in many cases, laughter. There are no strangers, just a close group of Presbyterians eager to meet and greet, catch up on travels and occasionally rib one another.
Thanks to partnership with PDA, Ferncliff expands its “healing camp” ministry for survivors of school gun violence By Paul Seebeck Since 1998, after a mass shooting occurred in their community at… Read more »
As of January 1, 2016, the 120-year old Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study is available exclusively online. A Presbyterian Mission Agency press release issued in August said, “This… Read more »
Discernment to determine heart and commitment to disaster support The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team gathered recently in Jacksonville, Fla., to consider adding a group of new members. The so-called “Discernment… Read more »