presbyterian disaster assistance

Give Hope To South Sudan

“What are we going to do with these people who are shedding tears day and night, who are wounded in their hearts, about these children who are suffering? How can the Church be a light in the situation? How can we give hope? God has entrusted us with this responsibility, to be the voice of these people.”

Hurricane-ravaged Haiti still reeling eight months after Matthew

Anyone doubting whether climate change exists should pay a visit to Haiti. That’s the assessment from Valery Nodem, the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s international associate, who recently visited the country, nearly eight months after Hurricane Matthew

Presbyterian churches to commemorate World Refugee Day June 20

Presbyterian churches across the U.S. will be placing special emphasis on refugees in the coming days. The United Nations recognizes June 20 as World Refugee Day, as a time to lift up the thousands of families who flee their homes and war-torn countries in search of a better life and remember the church’s commitment to provide refugees a safe haven.

Powerful storms cause problems in the Midwest and South

A series of storms in the past few weeks have caused a number of problems for residents across the Midwest and the South. From early April until last week, thousands have been left without power while some businesses and churches have been damaged by fallen trees, high winds and flooding.

A witness to resurrection hope

While violence and fear pervade war-torn Syria, Presbyterians across the United States are helping those displaced by the conflict rebuild their lives. Since the war began in 2011, at least 13.5 million people have had to leave their homes and seek safety in Lebanon, Europe and the United States. More than 250,000 others have been killed.

North Carolina woman leaves $2 million bequest to PDA and SDOP

While sorting through the papers of her late cousin Matilda Cartledge, Rebecca McClure found a couple of sentences in her recently-deceased relative’s handwriting that she says reflect Cartledge’s values. The unattributed sentences, which are a quote from President Franklin Roosevelt’s second inaugural address, read: ‘The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide for those who have too little.’

El equipo de respuesta nacional del Programa Presbiteriano de Asistencia en Desastres llevo a cabo su reunión anual

Cada año, más de cien ancianos/as presbiterianos/as, pastores/as, ejecutivos y líderes laicos se reúnen para orar, adorar y aprender a ayudar a la gente durante los peores momentos de sus vidas. Recientemente, El Programa Presbiteriano de Asistencia en Desastres llevo a cabo su 21ª reunión anual del equipo de respuesta nacional (NRT por sus siglas en ingles). Este año, voluntarios/as de todo el país, se reunieron en Atlanta, Georgia para re conectarse y aprender a cómo pueden servir mejor a las iglesias y comunidades que se encuentran en medio del desastre.

Answering a call

In response to water-related crises around the globe, Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) ministries are working at home and abroad to help bring safe drinking water to the 663 million people who lack it.