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presbyterian disaster assistance
With youth across the nation stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic, two new “Quicksheets” resources from the Presbyterian Youth Workers’ Association provide ideas for youth ministry leaders and parents that help young people to “look beyond themselves and love their neighbors while they’re at home.”
In a world beset by disaster, hunger, and oppression, One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is dedicated to aiding the millions of people who lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. Never has this been more prescient than in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Leaders of worshiping communities may be hesitant as they seek to bolster funding during a pandemic. But there are ways to do that by inviting people to do what they want to do anyway, the Revs. Jon Moore and Princeton Abaraoha told about 40 people participating in a Thursday webinar “Funding your Ministry in a Time of Crisis,” put on by 1001 New Worshiping Communities.
Like many small businesses, the dynamics of the coronavirus pandemic are putting a strain on a lot of churches — some of which were already hanging on by a thread.
For decades, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has stood ready to respond to domestic and international disasters — even a crisis on the monumental scale of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Somewhat submerged in the barrage of headlines about COVID-19 is news that Mother Nature is still doing her thing.
As Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear addresses the state each day about efforts to fight the coronavirus, he often stresses the need to take steps to keep anxiety in check during these difficult times.
Before a hunger emergency struck Somalia, Hawo Abdi and her husband were successful herders near their country’s border with Kenya.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has made the difficult decision to call for the closure of volunteer host sites and cancel volunteer trips through June.
Resources that mid councils, churches and individuals can use for worship, congregational care and other areas of ministry as the coronavirus continues to spread across the United States have been gathered in one spot, at