presbyterian disaster assistance

Will you be an advocate?

The Syria-Lebanon Partnership Network (SLPN) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recently held a virtual gathering with 119 registrants from three continents, six countries and 10 time zones. The theme for the interactive Zoom meeting was “Aid Not Sanctions: Take the Knee Off the Newck of the Syrian People.”

PDA responding to Caribbean volcano eruptions

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is responding to volcano eruptions on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent that the United Nations says could create a humanitarian crisis.

Story Productions adds to its story

If a Presbyterian church is interested in discussing gun violence, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s Story Productions has a film for that: “Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence” (2014).

Leading the PC(USA) from a world away

Just when most young people were beginning to imagine what nontraditional instruction might look like during COVID-19, Sami Han set about picturing an even more nontraditional path. She moved to South Korea with her parents.

Refugee ministries: stepping out in faith

Forced to leave their homes and their countries, migrants often set out on journeys with a vague understanding of where they are headed. Refugees and asylum seekers know that even when the physical route itself is direct, their metaphorical journey is much less certain.

A Matthew 25-inspired Stations of the Cross

For the Rev. Jeanie Shaw, leader of Eventide Community, a new worshiping community in Sacramento, California, Holy Week has a whole new meaning this year. As an active member of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team, people in her community are used to being sent into neighborhoods across the nation and around the world to work on PDA-connected projects.