presbyterian disaster assistance

A pastoral letter on 9/11 and all that’s happened since then

The date of September 11, 2001, almost can get lost amid present situations we face in New York City with recent deadly storms, a deadlier COVID-19 virus and the resulting unemployment and rent/mortgage payment concerns, and the cessation of so many in-person church and social activities.

‘I am not glad we got it, but I am glad they didn’t get it’

As they are wont to do, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has sought out the voices of Louisiana residents impacted by Hurricane Ida. The result was Thursday’s half-hour Facebook Live panel discussion hosted by Darla Carter, communications associate for the Presbyterian Mission Agency, and featuring the Rev. Jim Kirk, PDA’s Associate for National Disaster; Richard Williams, interim general presbyter for the Presbytery of South Louisiana; the Rev. Barry Chance, pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Hammond, Louisiana, and Chip Chiphe, a ruling elder at First Presbyterian Church of Scotlandville in Baton Rouge.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance official offers Ida update during Monday’s ‘Between Two Pulpits’ broadcast

Monday’s remarkable edition of “Between Two Pulpits,” the weekly webinar put on by Special Offerings’ Bryce Wiebe and Lauren Rogers, paired the Rev. Jim Kirk, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s Associate for National Response, and the Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis, visioning and connecting leader for the Presbytery of Wabash Valley in Northern Indiana.

As natural disasters grow, Presbyterians respond

On Tuesday, The New York Times ran the headline “Two Americas: One Parched, One Soaked” over a map that showed a marked increase in rainfall over the eastern United States in the last 30 years, and decreasing precipitation over the West during the same period.

Catastrophic flooding in Addis Ababa kills eight at seminary

Urgent prayers are requested for Mekane Yesus Seminary (MSY) in Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis Ababa. The seminary is operated by the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY), a long-time Presbyterian Mission Agency global partner.