From 2017 until last year, refugee resettlement in the United States suffered “death by a thousand cuts,” says Angie Plummer, Executive Director of Community Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS).
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness (OPW) is asking people to contact their congressional representatives and urge them to support people in Ukraine and refugees and asylum seekers following Russia’s invasion of the country.
LOUISVILLE — The Russian people are demonstrating in the streets against their president’s order to invade Ukraine, knowing the consequences will be dire. Switzerland is neutral no more. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres pleaded “The fighting in Ukraine must stop. Enough is enough.”
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) launched an appeal Tuesday for funds to help support the Church’s humanitarian response to the war started last week when Russia attacked Ukraine.
Joseph Russ’ appointment as Presbyterian World Mission’s coordinator for migration issues, advocacy and mission in the Northern Triangle of Central America, a new mission co-worker position, is the fulfillment of an overture passed by the 223rd General Assembly, held in St. Louis in 2018.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance are major supporters of a March 4-6 Church World Service conference about how people of faith can welcome immigrants and refugees.
Presbyterians have been stepping up to help Afghan families feel welcome in the United States, from providing meals and housing to helping children get registered in school.