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presbyterian disaster assistance
The Presbytery of Santa Fe and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance are keeping a close watch on destructive wildfires in New Mexico and lamenting losses to communities.
Two-thirds of the way through Wednesday’s session of CPJ Training, moderator Christian Brooks of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Office of Public Witness turned the conversation to today’s headlines.
For its third virtual edition, Compassion, Peace & Justice Training turned its attention squarely on the Compassion, Peace & Justice (CPJ) ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the work they do on behalf of human and civil rights.
Ellen Smith, World Mission’s regional liaison for Eastern Europe, has just returned from a visit with partners in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland to see first-hand how they are coping with the enormous task of caring for refugees fleeing Ukraine and how the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) can accompany them.
For the second consecutive year, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is offering grants for refugee- and immigrant-led organizations with a focus on immigrant rights and advocacy.
Presbyterians’ generosity to the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering gives the gift of abundant life to people in need.
[English] [한국어] Una Gran Hora para Compartir Por Emily Enders Odom | Presbyterians Today En un mundo cada vez más interconectado, nunca la esperanza ha parecido tan cercana y, sin… Read more »
[English] [Español] 위대한 나눔의 실천 특별헌금 에밀리 엔더스 오돔 I 프레스비테리언스 투데이 세상이 점점 더 가까이 연결되면서 희망 또한 더욱 가까이 있는 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 파올라 M.에게 희망은 그저 저… Read more »
As the One Great Hour of Sharing campaign for 2022 enters its home stretch, the special offering’s beneficiary ministries presented a webinar Tuesday highlighting one of its partners in Africa.
A new video produced by World Mission’s Latin America and Caribbean office takes viewers through a sweep of the region, checking in with mission co-workers and PC(USA) partners to help Presbyterians learn more about their work and their love for the region and its people.