presbyterian association of musicians

Just Worship event coming to Austin seminary Sept. 30-Oct. 2

The second annual Just Worship event will be held Sept. 30-Oct. 2 at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.  Like the first one at Columbia Theological Seminary this promises to an extraordinary time led by stirring preachers, exceptional musicians and talented workshop leaders.

Start spreading the news

The Vision 2020 Team is using every tool and upcoming event at its disposal to remind Presbyterians that the team’s guiding statement for the denomination matches the PC(USA) acronym: God calls the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to be Prayerful, Courageous, United, Serving and Alive.

The courage to seek justice

Preaching at the Presbyterians Association of Musicians conference being held this week at the Montreat Conference Center, the Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka, senior associate pastor at Village Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village, Kansas, talked about a life-changing series of events

A formative experience

Over the years while attending the Presbyterian Association of Musicians conference, the Rev. Dr. David Gambrell has seen how the annual gathering has inspired and sustained two generations of liturgical reform in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

On justice and righteousness

The Rev. Mary Brueggemann, a retired United Church of Christ pastor, began the Presbyterian Association of Musicians conference  Bible study on Justice in the New Testament Tuesday with a quote about the Old Testament.

Peace as a realized eschatology

As part of the first week of the 2019 Presbyterian Association of Musicians Conference being held at Montreat Conference Center, Adam Tice was about to deliver his first Routley Lecture. Just before he began, he was telling a conference participant how he was going to speak about music and peace — and congregational singing and peacemaking. “That person said, ‘Well, first you’re going to have to define what you mean by peace,’” Tice said.

A prophetic vote of confidence

“Peace is not the absence of chaos, but the presence of hope.” That was the message from the Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka Sunday evening during opening worship kicking off week two of the 2019 Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ worship and music conference being held at the Montreat Conference Center.

Engagement grants available to PC(USA) seminarians

Thanks to a partnership with Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Financial Aid for Service, Presbyterian Association of Musicians (PAM) has grants available for PC(USA) seminary students to attend an upcoming worship and leadership conference at Montreat June 23-28.

Newly revised editions of Presbyterian Book of Common Worship now available

The 2018 edition of the Book of Common Worship, the primary worship book for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is now available. The new edition is the sixth official service book to be published for North American Presbyterians and it is the first edition published in the 21st century. Responsive to the many changes in the church and world since the last revision (in 1993), these new editions are more informative, user-friendly, inclusive and flexible than ever before.