
All Agency Review Committee sets plan to complete work

During its final day of meetings in Louisville the All Agency Review Committee began to formulate the work ahead that will be the basis for its final report and recommendations to General Assembly 223 (2018.)

‘More than Words’ explores modern family values

In an ever-polarizing religious landscape, More than Words by Erin Wathen offers an invitation to a way of life that deepens relationships, strengthens communities, and empowers readers to let go of rigid “values” systems, discovering instead the meaning and freedom that can be found in articulating and living out one’s own values.

All-Agency Review Committee revises reports, plans next steps

Day two of the Denver meeting of the All-Agency Review Committee began with an expression of gratitude by committee Moderator Deborah Block, who asked the group to review the mission directives discussion from yesterday and look toward the work of future meetings.

PC(USA) All-Agency Review Committee meets in Denver

The All Agency Review Committee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is meeting May 1-2 at Central Presbyterian Church for its second face-to-face meeting. Topics discussed included a review of the 2010-2016 General Assembly mandated agency reviews and more discernment of the scope of its work.

Comité de revisión de las seis agencias culmina su primera reunión

El Comité de Revisión de las Seis Agencias comisionado por la 222a Asamblea General (2016) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) se reunieron aquí esta semana para comenzar el proceso de discernimiento sobre sus metas y escuchar a los representantes de las seis agencias que conforman la denominación.