The idea for the new podcast “Forging Faith” being offered by First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak, Michigan, was hatched two years ago when a church member told his pastor, the Rev. Emma Nickel, that the church should try it.
A Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) delegation returned from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Egypt to encourage others in the denomination to find ways to show their concern for the environment.
“The advent of a new liturgical year offers congregations and church leaders a fresh opportunity to engage the Matthew 25 vision of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),” says the Rev. Dr. David Gambrell, associate for worship in the Office of Theology and Worship in the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
As they did earlier this year, three thought leaders in the Synod of the Sun joined their hearts, minds and voices this week while recording the most recent edition of Sunspots, the synod’s podcast. Listen to their conversation here.
Late last month, Sunspots, a podcast of the Synod of the Sun, turned the mic over to three women to talk about their identity as honest and authentic children of God through the lens of Christian education. Listen to their 55-minute conversation here.
In the Communicators Network PC(USA)’s first-ever episode of Community Conversations broadcast via Facebook Live on Tuesday, the Rev. Lee Catoe and the Rev. DeEtte Decker didn’t hesitate to share their thoughts on how churches and the denomination can use social media more effectively to help amplify the voices of people who aren’t regularly heard from. Hear the conversation by joining Communicators Network by clicking here.
Simon Doong enjoys podcasts. The project manager in the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program listens to a variety of pods addressing topics of interest such as fitness, sports and video games.
The recently released book, “Fury and Grace: 40 Days of Paintings and Poetry from Prison,” edited by the Rev. Riley Pickett and the Revs. Layne and Crawford Brubaker, is now a podcast, too.
In college, the Revs. Layne Bailey Brubaker and Abigail Spears Velázquez wore matching hats embroidered with the words ‘Sick & hAlarious.’ These expressions are endearing reminders of their visits with Abi’s grandmother and great aunt, who would frequently exclaim “sick” or “hAlarious” in response to one another’s stories about life in their retirement community.