Blending together a long career in journalism and his Presbyterian faith, Mike Ferguson begins his duties as editor of the Presbyterian News Service (PNS) in Louisville on October 29.
미국장로교 통신부는 2017년 Best of the Christian Press 대회에서 25개의 상을 수상했다. Associated Church Press는 북미 최대의 기독교 언론 협회이다. 시상식은 4월 20일 시카고의 제4장로 교회에서 열렸던 ACP 연례 대회에서 수여되었다.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) communicators garnered twenty-five awards in the 2017 Best of the Christian Press competition sponsored by the Associated Church Press, the oldest and largest Christian press association in North America. The awards were presented April 20 during the ACP’s annual convention at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago.
루이빌 -장로교 선교국(PMA) 임시 사무총장인 토니 델라 로사는 PMA와 관련하여 앞으로 나아갈 길 전권위원회Way Forward Commission의 주제별 내용 및 지속적인 작업에 관한 우려를 강조하는 공개 서한을 발표했다. 델라 로사(De La Rosa)는 성명서에서 “선교국이나 이사회의 공식 입장을 대표하지는 않는다”며 PMA의 임시 대표로서 “개별 역량”의 서한을 전하였다.
Bolz-Weber, the unconventional Lutheran minister who’s been known keep her audience tuned in with humor and an expletive now and then, spoke to more than 300 people at the Sept. 27 meeting of the Presbytery of Milwaukee in the auditorium of the city’s Art Museum.
Communications groups within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) were honored for their contributions to religious communications in 2015 with 17 “Best of the Christian Press” awards spanning a variety of topics and media. The awards were presented at the 100th anniversary gathering of the Associated Church Press, meting in St. Louis – the city in which it was founded – April 20-22.