Anthony was dealt a bad hand in life.
Looking intently into the eyes of the Rev. Charles Harrison, pastor of Barnes United Methodist Church in Indianapolis and president of the board of the Indy TenPoint Coalition, the young man visiting from Chicago made his tearful confession.
No one spread a mat for Selai.
Born and raised in Vunidogoloa [voo-nē-dō-gō-lōah], the first Fijian community that was forced to relocate due to the impact of climate change, Selai [Suh-lī] felt unwelcome in her new home.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ushers in the annual Season of Peace on Sunday, the start of a four-week time of reflection for congregations and others who want to deepen their pursuit of peace.
A resident of a small island nation that’s endangered by rising sea levels and global pollution will help members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to better understand the threats posed by climate change.
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program is resurrecting a 40-year tradition by hosting a series of International Peacemakers to visit churches and faith organizations across the country.
An International Peacemaker from Rwanda will visit the United States this fall to share how the country has evolved since the genocide against the Tutsis in 1994.
The health of a village chief in Malawi had been deteriorating for about a year. Thinking that he was under the influence of people considered to be witches in the central African community, the chief declined to seek professional diagnosis and treatment.
Natalie Pisarcik, a member of First Presbyterian Church of Boonton, New Jersey, has already bravely shared her story of deep depression and the intention she once had to end her life before asking God to forgive her for what she called “a terrible mistake,” forgiveness Pisarcik said she did receive.