palm sunday

Eco-Palms: Creativity and caring for Creation in trying times

If ever a year was appropriate to be deemed tohubohu it was 2020. It is hard to believe after all that has happened, that it could even possibly be time to turn our attentions toward planning for Palm Sunday. But even in such a state, with so many things looking different, including how we worship together, life continues.

Hosannas and honks

Where there’s a will, there’s a driveway. And although this year’s Palm Sunday festival procession into an “upper parking lot” more closely resembled a line at a car wash than a celebration of worship, exigent circumstances call for extreme creativity, imagination and grace. And honks over Hosannas.

‘Our church needs more rocks’

“This is our stone-cold moment to be like Jesus, our rock and our redeemer,” Dr. Brian K. Blount told the NEXT Church national gathering Wednesday at the close of a sermon as rousing as it was theologically well-built. The president and professor of New Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary called on worshipers to “stand on God’s promise … and rock out our world.”

A view from the Palm Sunday summit

Asked to preach at both services of the Iglesia Evangélica Presbiteriana Central in Guatemala City on Palm Sunday, the Rev. Jose Luis Casal told the more than 200 people present for the second service, “It’s Palm Sunday. What are we going to talk about? The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem!”

Palm Sunday: All roads lead to the Paschal mystery of Christ dying and rising

For some growing up, Palm Sunday was a celebration of Jesus entering Jerusalem as a triumphant king. But now, more and more congregations are choosing to celebrate Palm Sunday by including the passion narrative to emphasize that this triumphant moment takes his disciples, then and now, to the cross.

Creating a kid-friendly Holy Week

Imagine the week before Easter, if you will, through the eyes of a 6-year-old. The sanctuary on Palm Sunday looks different, to say the least. Big green branches are being waved, shouts of “Hosanna!” are called out from the usually orderly people in the pews, and the pastor talks of a parade with a king entering the city, surrounded by adoring citizens.