One Great Hour of Sharing

Keeping traditions alive

Trinity White Plume just turned 13. Like the gardens she has newly learned to plant and tend, she has also grown in unexpected and extraordinary ways.

West Virginia vaccination effort seeks volunteers

Forrest Palmer said a prayer as he received his initial dose of COVID-19 vaccine last month in the state of West Virginia. The prayer emanated from a place of gratitude, not of fear.

Minute for Mission: Self-Development of People

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is a term that we often hear when talking about those who have become successful in their endeavors. There is no doubt that the yearning to resolve difficult situations inspires ingenious solutions! Les Brown, a motivational speaker who overcame overwhelming odds of poverty and family tragedies, says, “you gotta be hungry, and when you are hungry, it is necessary, and when it is necessary, you understand and believe it is possible!”

Winter storms impact churches, presbyteries in Synod of the Sun

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has reached out to presbyteries in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana to offer assistance following a round of winter storms that has left many people without heat and safe drinking water.

In search of a rubber chicken

As creative as online worship can get these days, there’s sadly no digital substitute for the clinking, clanking sound of coins in a metal pail.

Giving generously in their golden years

Behind the admittedly corny saying that graces many a collectable coffee mug, “Ministers never retire, but are simply put out to pastor,” there lies a grain of truth — retiring church workers face some very real challenges.

Deadline to order Eco-Palms is March 5

With Palm Sunday just nine weeks away, churches are encouraged to turn their thoughts to Eco-Palms by March 5, the deadline to order fronds.