
The promise of abundant life

Presbyterians’ generosity to the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering gives the gift of abundant life to people in need.

La Promesa de Vida Abundante

[English] [한국어] Una Gran Hora para Compartir Por Emily Enders Odom | Presbyterians Today En un mundo cada vez más interconectado, nunca la esperanza ha parecido tan cercana y, sin… Read more »

풍요로운 삶에 대한 약속

[English] [Español] 위대한 나눔의 실천 특별헌금 에밀리 엔더스 오돔 I 프레스비테리언스 투데이 세상이 점점 더 가까이 연결되면서 희망 또한 더욱 가까이 있는 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 파올라 M.에게 희망은 그저 저… Read more »

Food Week of Action highlights Jesus’ call to serve

About halfway through Monday’s discussion of this year’s Food Week of Action on “Between Two Pulpits,” co-host the Rev. Bryce Wiebe turned to this week’s Gospel lectionary reading from Mark 10:35–45.

Minute for Mission: One Great Hour of Sharing

The pandemic has stretched the Church in many ways — but we are still very much … here. Although it was hard at first, we have expanded our thinking, and our doing, in new and innovative ways to close the distance and be together. We have continued to worship. We have continued to build and shape community; we have continued to take care of one another. And on top of all that, we have continued to come together to serve those in need; both here in our own community and all over the world. Despite the difficulty, struggle and loss, the Church continues to declare its presence in the world, through different means, certainly, but toward the same purpose.

One Great Hour of Sharing

Gifts to this annual PC(USA) special offering support programs and ministries that provide people with safety, sustenance and support.

Soup suppers, flowering crosses and feeding fish

On Easter Sunday, 1949, four years after the end of World War II, the One Great Hour of Sharing offering brought relief to neighbors in need within the United States for the first time. In the 1960s, it expanded to include international needs.

Climate change at Lent

As Christians, our response to climate change and its impact on our world is multifaceted. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is committed to working diligently and creatively to support people experiencing the impacts of climate change around the corner and around the world, both today and in the future. The stories that arise from the work of the Presbyterian Mission Agency are heart-wrenching, yet uplifting; deeply disturbing, yet inspiring. The efforts made possible by your prayers and your giving represent a few of the many lives touched and transformed because you have participated in Presbyterian Mission.

‘Four for Four’ churches feel connected

For nearly 15 years, a certificate has hung on a sparsely occupied bulletin board on the back wall in the sanctuary of Laguna United Presbyterian Church in Casa Blanca, New Mexico. For the only Native American congregation in Santa Fe Presbytery, this now-faded certificate represented much more than a tradition or achievement. Every time they walked by it, it was a reminder of their congregation’s commitment to participate in the life of the church — a church that spans beyond their Casa Blanca community.