During the final day of its three-day online winter meeting, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board voted to allocate $9 million from unrestricted reserve funds for three purposes.
The Daily News Briefing from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), a list of stories published Monday through Friday by the Presbyterian News Service, the Office of the General Assembly and other news sources, will undergo a change beginning Tuesday.
The launch of the revamped, reorganized and unified denominational website, https://www.pcusa.org, is targeted for completion by the end of 2022 or the first quarter of 2023, a team tasked with finding a vendor to design the new site’s functions, searchability and organization said on Monday.
Established by the then-Moving Forward Implementation Commission (now a committee) to ensure that the work of three organizations — the Office of the General Assembly, the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the Administrative Services Group — is coordinated, the Coordinating Table has been working in recent months to define its work and to find its voice.
It’s that time of year again: time to take a quick breath to recall Advent and Christmas celebrations; time to look ahead to what the new year will bring. It’s also time to consider your local congregation’s missional priorities and the financial pledges you have received so that a budget can be finalized.
The Mid Council Financial Network (MCFN) — the only entity that serves the needs of volunteer and paid staff with primary responsibility for finance, administration and management in the PC(USA)’s 166 presbyteries and 16 synods — has opened registration for its annual program.
If their repartee on Facebook is any indication, the current and former General Assembly co-moderators, moderators and vice moderators, quite frankly, miss each other.
A team tasked by the Coordinating Table to analyze more than 2,000 restricted funds given to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) over the years for various purposes offered its initial report Thursday, identifying 15 funds that could be reassigned from benefiting the Presbyterian Mission Agency to helping to fund the Office of the General Assembly.
Together We Welcome, a national faith gathering to support immigrants and migrants, has been postponed from this month to March 2022 due to the amount of work currently needed to support Afghan refugees coming to the United States.
After a tragic and deadly series of months in which Asian American and Pacific Islander people were targeted by racists and misguided politicians, the Rev. Joann Haejong Lee gazed into the Zoom screen Friday and made a bold declaration during the Presbyterian Week of Action.