office of public witness

‘Reparations are profoundly biblically correct’

In the final of three forums celebrating Black History Month last week, the Rev. Dr. Alonzo Johnson, coordinator of the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP); the Rev. Carlton Johnson, coordinator of Vital Congregations; and Christian Brooks, the representative for domestic issues at the PC(USA)’s Office of Public Witness, addressed the 2022 theme “Resiliency to Recovery.”

New World Mission appointment fulfills a General Assembly mandate

Joseph Russ’ appointment as Presbyterian World Mission’s coordinator for migration issues, advocacy and mission in the Northern Triangle of Central America, a new mission co-worker position, is the fulfillment of an overture passed by the 223rd General Assembly, held in St. Louis in 2018.

Afghanistan is in a desperate humanitarian crisis. Presbyterians call for help

As Afghanistan faces a humanitarian crisis that threatens to take more lives than the United States’ 20-year war in the country, the Office of Public Witness and Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations are calling on the Biden Administration to reverse fiscal policies that are exacerbating the situation.

PC(USA) joins call for peace in Ukraine

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is joining a dozen fellow faith-based organizations, including several other mainline denominations, in calling for peace in a simmering conflict involving Russia and Ukraine.

Poor People’s Campaign plans June 18 March on Washington

Presbyterians and other people of faith are being encouraged to begin making plans to participate in a march and assembly of poor people and low-wage workers that the Poor People’s Campaign will hold this summer in Washington, D.C.