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New Immigrant Clergywomen’s Leadership Institute
Recent immigrants who serve as clergywomen found helpful guidance and encouraging contacts at the New Immigrant Clergywomen’s Leadership Institute last month in Daytona Beach, Florida. Female clergy from around the country gathered to collaborate and develop leadership skills to better serve their congregations and the church. Developed by PC(USA) Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries (RE&WM), Leadership Institutes are designed to help racial-ethnic, immigrant and women leaders strengthen skills and relationships, learn new ideas, be encouraged to expand personal comfort zones and receive inspiration, guidance and support from national church leaders and executives.
Las mujeres presbiterianas de todo el país se reunieron en Daytona Beach, Florida en el estudio, la oración, la comunidad y la adoración mientras celebraban la Consulta con las Mujeres de Color 2017.
Presbyterian women from across the country gathered in Daytona Beach, Florida in study, prayer, community and worship as they celebrated the 2017 Women of Color Consultation