The bold vision and invitation of Matthew 25:31-46 to be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned or poor, is awakening compassionate faith to new possibilities in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
As she pondered how to lead worship while keeping the safety of congregants who may be affected by COVID-19 uppermost in her mind, the Rev. Lynn Rubier-Capron remembered her childhood, when she used to see movies at the drive-in.
Sixteen-year-old Brandon Earley and his pastor, the Rev. Dr. Neal Carter, chose an unconventional route this past summer to grow closer while discussing Scripture, theology and anything else that came to mind during long hours spent on a hobby they now share.
of Nebraska in 1949, Lois Kroehler heard about a short-term opportunity to travel to Cuba to work as an English language secretary for a Cuban church executive. She had planned to teach Spanish after college and reasoned that a couple years of translation work would improve her Spanish, particularly grammar and vocabulary.
“After those two years, the Cuban church invited me to stay,” Kroehler said in a 1998 interview with Democracy Now!, an independent nonprofit news organization in Washington, D.C. “So, I actually became a missionary at the invitation of the Cuban church.”
Missionary, music teacher and composer, choir director, Christian educator … Lois Kroehler embraced Cuba, and accompanying the Cuban people became her passion. Kroehler died Aug. 4 at age 91.
It is hard to believe that it has been five years since the release of the Glory of God hymnal to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Ever since its release in 2013, the “new hymnal” has become very popular across the denomination.
Kenilworth Presbyterian Church in Portland, Oregon, held its seventh annual Music and Art Day Camp from July 16–20. Designed for children in kindergarten through third grade, the camp provides early exposure to music and art in an affordable, accessible way.
Why do we so often misunderstand our spirituality? As Presbyterians, we tend to live in our heads as if our bodies were disconnected from our intellectual faith. Our worship is mostly related to what we think and less on how we move. For example, if we see someone dancing in our worship service, we tend to see it as an improper way of worshiping God. I am not advocating for irrationality but rather, to have us think as well as feel, dance, smell, taste and touch, as ways of developing our spirituality.
몸과 마음의 재결합 클라우디오 카르발에스 | Presbyterian Today 이 기사는 2018년 2월/3월호 Presbyterians Today에서 발췌 한 것이다. 왜 우리는 종종 우리의 영성을 오해합니까? 장로교인으로서, 우리는 우리의 육체가 우리의 지적 믿음과… Read more »
When the Waterloo School District cut music programs a few years ago, members and leadership at Unity Presbyterian Church saw an opportunity to partner with Kittrell Elementary School to provide music education opportunities.