Mound Ridge Retreat and Mission Center, Inc.executive director Christy Foster knew the end was coming. She says God placed it on her heart soon after she arrived at the Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center in the Missouri Ozark countryside. Mound Ridge like many of the churches it served was going through a transformation.
‘How should the church respond when sin disrupts the church’s unity, creates division among the children of God, and constructs unjust systems that steal life from God’s creation?’ This question begins the introduction of the Belhar Confession in the PC(USA)’s Book of Confessions.
A series of storms in the past few weeks have caused a number of problems for residents across the Midwest and the South. From early April until last week, thousands have been left without power while some businesses and churches have been damaged by fallen trees, high winds and flooding.
Organizers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Big Tent 2017 event have assembled a list of seven ‘Fast Facts’ for those attending, or considering attending, the July 6-8 gather in St. Louis, Missouri on the campus of Washington University.
El pueblo presbiteriano de todo el país está invitado a vivir su fe en La Gran Carpa 2017 en St. Louis, Missouri. Esta reunión bienal tendrá lugar del 6 al 8 de julio, en el campus de la Universidad de Washington. El tema «Raza, Reconciliación y Reforma», enfatizará la esperanza del evangelio y su poder de transformar la sociedad de nuestro actual contexto cultural, que está marcado por la ansiedad, la división racial, la animosidad política y la desigualdad econó
Presbyterians from around the country are invited to live out their faith at Big Tent 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri. This biennial gathering will take place July 6–8, on the campus of Washington University.
As Christy Foster stood on a hillside overlooking the Guadalupe River at the Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly, she remembered all at once just how much—and for how long—she had wanted to be in camp and conference ministry.