mission yearbook

PC(USA) conference center celebrates the holiness of harvest

It was an amazing night.” “The food and the spirit of the people of people there.” “The renewed sense of a community persevering together.” These were some of the reflections from those present at the annual Farm-to-Table Gala that benefits Stony Point, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) conference center about 45 minutes northwest of New York City.

Couple dreams of starting new worshiping community in coffee shop that employs people with disabilities

When Brett Foote decided to go to Princeton Theological Seminary in the fall of 2016, his wife, Laura Foote, was in a “really, really dark place.” She struggled with depression — and with church and how she fit in. “I remember talking to my mom,” she said. “Like Brett’s got this dream and vision now. I was like, ‘Mom, I want that. Like, what am I doing?’ ”

Children’s soup-making stirs congregational mission support

The soup at Heritage Presbyterian Church in Glendale, Arizona, is a recipe for encouraging mission support. A Sunday school class composed of elementary and middle-school students has generated mission interest through a soup-making venture aimed at helping Presbyterian Mission. They assembled the ingredients, put them in jars they had labeled, and sold the mixture to the congregation. The children used the proceeds to give a pair of goats, a family of chickens, a piglet and six refugee food baskets through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog.

Minute for Mission: Chaplains Sunday

Ask nearly anyone who has served in the military about their chaplain, and you will almost always hear a positive story. Since before the founding of our nation chaplains have served alongside those who have sought to defend our country and the values we represent. Chaplains are agents of peace, always present in the most trying of times — available to all, no matter the circumstance or the person.

Senior sings birthday greetings to all

It’s your birthday. The phone rings. While it could be a family member or a friend wishing you well on your special day, the last thing you might expect to hear is a 99-year-old man on the other end of the call singing “Happy Birthday” to you. But that’s exactly what happens to those who attend Westminster Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, where Carl Webb has found his purpose, his “call” so to speak, in serving God. And that “call” is to be the birthday crooner of the church.

The church life cycle from new to renew

New and old worshiping communities that comprise the entire church life cycle were represented during a recent Presbyterian Mission Agency luncheon.

Minute for Mission: Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Awareness of human trafficking is more than knowledge — it also serves as prevention. According to a United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime 2016 Global Report, nearly 71 percent of human trafficking victims are women and girls, and one-third are children.

In memory of Sandy Hook, an Advent prayer to end gun violence

If you Google “Sandy Hook,” the search engine’s “People also search for …” menu offers these grim options: 2012 Aurora shooting, Stoneman Douglas High School, Columbine High School massacre, 2014 Isla Vista massacre, Orlando nightclub shooting. And it could go on.

Including the blind in worship

I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Christians often sing “Amazing Grace” without understanding what it is like to actually be blind — either legally blind with diminished vision or completely blind. More importantly, what is it like for those who are blind when they come into a church? How are they treated? How are they incorporated into the worship service?

Experiencing the Holy Land with Palestinian Arab Christians

For Christians worldwide, a trip to the Holy Land has often been regarded as “the trip of a lifetime”— and it usually is. All too often, however, visitors and pilgrims end up running in the land where Jesus walked!