mission yearbook

What pastors ought to know beyond seminary

I graduated from seminary over 46 years ago and I have served in very large urban congregations, suburban large churches, campus ministry, hospital chaplaincy, congregations with schools and nursing homes — and in Miami, where about 70 percent of the folks are Latino. So, I have learned a great deal over my career that was never brought up in seminary. My thesis, therefore, is that all effective pastors need to be prepared to know and be aware of resources that the folks we minister to need to survive.

Give me Liberty or give me debt

Dick Liberty wanted to teach voice at the college level. He was working on a master’s degree in vocal performance at Temple University, but he needed a job to pay tuition. An employment agency tested him, found that he had an aptitude for math, and sent him to accounts receivable at the Board of Pensions.

Using her heart, her time and her gifts for Central American migrants

During six years in El Salvador as a mission co-worker with the Joining Hands Network, Kristi Van Nostran worked to bring people to a common table and create a network to support ongoing efforts around justice and food sovereignty. Now she is working with two Southern California presbyteries to once again walk alongside her Central American brothers and sisters.

Her designs are on opening young hearts

When she agreed to be the graphic designer for Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2019, Ashley Rash didn’t know that 90 percent of the work would be in June. “It’s been crazy,” she says. “But, quite honestly, it’s also been a lot of fun.”

Seminary student bridges ministry and technology for deaf communities

When Thomas Hampton came to Columbia Theological Seminary in the fall of 2016, it might have seemed like a huge departure from his previous experience as an engineering student at Case Western Reserve University. He is, after all, among a select group of neural electrical engineers who can build what is commonly known as cochlear implants.

Is yours a ‘healthy’ congregation?

Theologian Emil Brunner famously stated, “The church exists by mission, just as fire exists by burning.” This didn’t quite sink in until I heard Darrell Guder, former dean and missiologist at Princeton Theological Seminary, put it more clearly for me: “The church does not exist primarily for the benefit of its own members. Instead, it exists for the benefit of those outside its walls.”

Getting back into the swing of things

After he participated in worship and preached one day during the summer, 1001 New Worshiping Communities associate the Rev. Michael Gehrling danced.

Answering God’s call

John Etheredge has answered God’s call to become a long-term volunteer serving with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ghana (EPCG).