mission yearbook

Minute for Mission: Health Awareness and Day of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness

On this Health Awareness and Day of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness, it seems clear that most people who read this will have been acutely aware of their own health and that of their loved ones and indeed, perfect strangers, as we have navigated the COVID-19 pandemic in the past 11 months. The challenges posed by the restrictions and practices we have followed have brought far-reaching and long-lasting changes to nearly every aspect of our individual and communal lives. Issues of racial and economic injustice have demanded our attention and action. As a result, we have been lifting up prayers for healing and wholeness for a world that has known trauma and loss as we seek to carry on and support one another in the midst of this time of heartache and brokenness.

Minute for Mission: Presbyterian Federal Chaplaincies

Standing together and singing hymns while your ship sinks into the waves, taking you to your certain death, is not normal behavior. And yet the Four Chaplains did exactly this on Feb. 3, 1943. Through their sacrifice, others were spared and many more have been inspired. Perhaps as they considered their actions that frigid night, they had in mind the words of Paul from our lectionary today, “I do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings.”

Listen before you leap

Opportunities abound for interfaith engagement, a pastor with the Des Moines Area Religious Council recently told a virtual classroom full of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies’ Synod School students. All one must do is “step outside of what is normal for you and move into someone else’s reality.”

Love and literacy behind prison walls

When a group of Presbyterian women came to the state prison where Shanon Anderson was incarcerated, she quickly learned the program they offer provides more than reading and writing. It’s all about love.

Pastors hopeful for church’s future

After the first day of the Vital Congregations virtual facilitator training, the Rev. Neil Ricketts spoke with elders at the church he serves. “I told them that we — our church — and denomination are in good hands,” he said. “How we had heard from God and were implementing a plan for a healthy vital church.”

Minute for Mission: World Interfaith Harmony week begins

From October 2019 through the beginning of 2021 and for the foreseeable future, Lebanon continues to navigate its way through four simultaneous crises that compound the challenges faced by all who live here: political corruption; economic collapse; COVID-19 and the resulting health-care crisis; and recovering from the Beirut Port blast of Aug. 4, 2020. These crises have left young adults in Lebanon without hope for their future. No employment possibilities mean no capacity to marry and start a family. In this context, it has been easy to withdraw into one’s own community and to blame others, whoever they may be.

Minute for Mission: Human Trafficking Awareness Day

This past October, member churches of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) gathered for regional webinars to raise awareness about online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (OSAEC) and share their plans for action. NCCP is a global partner of Presbyterian World Mission. Resource people from ECPAT Philippines (End Child Prostitution and Trafficking) (facebook.com/ECPATPhilippines) and Child Rights Network (CRN, (facebook.com/CRNPhilippines) provided presentations to promote awareness. Pastor Hazel Salatan, a United Methodist pastor who is in the faculty development program focused on Christian education at Union Theological Seminary, Philippines, urged churches and faith communities to provide safe spaces for children.

Minute for Mission: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins

The Presbyterian constitution directs believers “to manifest more visibly the unity of the body of Christ” (G-5.0101). Our daily reading from Ephesians suggests the way of Christian unity is made by speaking truth with love in a way that grows the body of Christ. Sunday’s readings included Paul’s writing to the church in Corinth where Paul is constantly challenging natural divisions with a greater goal of being the Body of Christ.

Minute for Mission: Race Relations Day/Racial & Intercultural Justice

I’ve been spending a lot of time with Genesis 11:1–9 lately, or the story of Shinar and the so-called “Tower of Babel.” It’s a popular Sunday School lesson, an etiology we recount to children to explain why humanity is so varied in language and location. We don’t engage it as much when we get older. For that reason, how we read and are taught the story as children often stays with us well into adulthood.

A new year with some of the same old problems

None of the New Year’s Day metaphors — a clean slate, a do-over, a second chance, even grace itself — can quite capture the hopefulness I experience most New Year’s Day mornings. The possibilities seem almost as endless as the upcoming year’s to-do list.