“Pray for a new Sudan to come” was the heartfelt plea given by Dr. Aida Weran to the members of the South Sudan/Sudan Mission Network that recently met at the New Wilmington Mission Conference at Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa. Weran is an instructor at Nile Theological College in Khartoum, Sudan, an institution that Weran described as being at the “crossroads of the violence.”
A delegation representing the Niger Mission Network (NMN) saw beautiful feet in Niger — many of them — during a recent 13-day partnership trip hosted by the Evangelical Church in the Republic of Niger (EERN). Participants learned some of the ways the good news of Jesus is proclaimed by Christian brothers and sisters in a country where the vast majority of its citizens are Muslim.
Seven years ago, as pastor of a Presbyterian church in Costa Mesa, California, I found myself praying for peace to overshadow our broken world. About that time, I became friends with a Presbyterian family who had moved into our community from Homs, Syria. As my friendship with the Jarjours grew, I learned about the crisis in their homeland and how it was impacting their church in Homs. I asked if they would put me in touch with their pastor, at which point he and I began exchanging emails, sharing mutual concerns about our congregations and praying for one another.
The Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) [IPMN] is pleased to announce the publication of Why Palestine Matters, The Struggle To End Colonialism, a new book contextualizing the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people within other global justice struggles, available from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) bookstore.
While their formal preparation for ministry is modest, Presbyterian pastors in Honduras possess an abundance of ‘faith seeking understanding.’ Unfortunately, educational opportunities to help these faithful pastors to gain understanding — and fulfill the motto of St. Anselm of Canterbury — have been limited.