minute for mission

Minute for Mission: Immigration Sunday

Keith Neill began his ministry in Portadown, Northern Ireland, playing in a Christian rock band and volunteering with the youth at his church. There he felt the call to youth ministry — first part time and then full time. All told, he guided the youth of Portadown and nearby Lisburn for 23 years.

Minute for Mission: Intercultural Church Sunday

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16–20) is an intercultural call to make disciples of all nations. As we engage in fulfilling this call, our commission to discipleship is sharing the good news of salvation with individuals from these nations in their own languages, traditions and cultures.

Minute for Mission: Pentecost Offering

As a high school student, Lily Jones had a beautiful 18-month-old daughter and a strong desire to finish school. Lily knew the importance of education to her future and that of her daughter Sophia, but day care posed a problem.

Minute for Mission: 1001 New Worshiping Communities

When the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board met in Puerto Rico this spring, several board members went on a field trip. The visit to Mision Presbiteriana Rio Grande was the first experience with a new worshiping community for several board members. The first sign that this was not “church as usual” occurred when the drivers pulled up to a small storefront location squeezed between a mechanic shop and a laundromat in a tiny strip mall. Instead of stained glass windows and pews, they saw handmade decorations, vases of flowers picked from local gardens, and a welcoming crew of pastor Eileen Rivas and a few church elders. The space was just about the right size for the 35 attendees who show up regularly for worship.

Minute for Mission: Disability Inclusion

All of us face the possibility of dealing with natural disasters. Depending on where you live, these can include hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes, floods and wildfires. Preparing for and dealing with disasters can be stressful for everyone, but disasters can be especially challenging for people with disabilities — including the elderly.

Minute for Mission: Wills Emphasis Sunday

A few years ago, Judy Whitford decided that it was time to get her estate in order. After the passing of her husband, she realized how his work in “putting things in order” had helped her—something she wanted to do for her two children and six grandchildren.

Minute for Mission: Today is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

The men were taken first, then the women and children were brutalized. Witnesses saw the Euphrates run red with blood, and women plunged into the river to escape the terrors of the desert march. Armenian villages throughout the Ottoman territories of 1915 were emptied in a systematic campaign to demean and destroy innocent victims. Although modern-day Turkey actively denies this genocide, historians have gathered undisputable evidence of at least a million Armenians killed and a million more dispersed from their ancient homeland.

Minute for Mission: One Great Hour of Sharing/Easter

Blessings to you on this Easter Sunday. As you celebrate Christ’s Resurrection, may you experience the hope of eternal life and lean into the promise of a world where God’s reign will be fully realized.