militarism working group

Beechmont Presbyterian Church welcomes the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

Thursday was mostly a teach-in day for the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board as members took in Matthew 25 presentations on militarism from mission co-workers in Colombia and Guatemala and climate change from Jessica Maudlin, Associate for Sustainable Living and Earth Care concerns in the Presbyterian Hunger Program.

What does it mean to be a PC(USA) Peace Church?

The Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Militarism Working Group held its first Connecting the Dots webinar in 2023 on Wednesday, discussing what it means to be a Peace Church within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Moderator Ben Daniel, pastor at Montclair Presbyterian Church in Oakland, California, opened the session by noting that talking about what it means to be a Christian in a time of war is an important conversation to have.

Exploring the tensions between faith and security

The Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Militarism Working Group recently scheduled a 90-minute webinar on Gun Violence & Militarism. This was the second in a series of educational webinars called “Connecting the Dots.” Read a report on the first in the series here.

‘We are backed by God’

Against the backdrop of Russia preparing for the possible invasion of neighboring Ukraine, three panelists offered their perspectives on gun violence and militarism during the second Connecting the Dots webinar Tuesday.

Where do we look for security?

The Rev. Deborah Lee asked participants in a Tuesday afternoon webinar to close their eyes and think about what it feels like to be secure.