Memorial Presbyterian Church

Despite the pandemic, Michigan church is growing

Over the course of the past year, churches across the globe have wondered what coming out on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic looks like. Many have wondered how to make the best decisions for their worshiping communities. As the pandemic pushed churches to make difficult decisions, many churches saw an opportunity to try new things.

Mentor program coming for women transitioning from seminary to their first ordained calls

In 2016, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) celebrated the 60th anniversary of women serving teaching elders following the October 24, 1956, ordination of the Rev. Margaret Towner, the denomination’s first clergywoman. For much of Presbyterian history, women had been restricted from access to classrooms, pulpits, platforms and lecterns.

Fire damages first Mexican-American Presbyterian church in Texas

Members of a historic church in San Marcos, Texas, are making alternative plans for worship this Sunday after fire broke out earlier this week. Authorities say a police officer noticed smoke coming from the Memorial Presbyterian Church on Monday afternoon.