Gina Yeager-Buckley began the conversation on “Why does the church need youth ministry” with the Presbyterian Youth Workers Association by asking participants to describe what their stories would have been like without it.
Archbishop Dietrich Brauer of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia and Other States (ELCROS) visited the U.S. September 9–18. Brauer visited Presbyterian and Lutheran churches in Topeka, St. Louis, Louisville, Chicago and Asheboro, North Carolina.
Bolz-Weber, the unconventional Lutheran minister who’s been known keep her audience tuned in with humor and an expletive now and then, spoke to more than 300 people at the Sept. 27 meeting of the Presbytery of Milwaukee in the auditorium of the city’s Art Museum.
A four-church collaboration in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is giving 150-200 children an opportunity to learn about the arts and sciences. Tippecanoe, Grace and North Shore Presbyterian Churches have joined with the Hephatha Lutheran Church to sponsor an eight-week “Arts and Science Literacy Camp” specifically for low and middle income families.