
The T-ball umpire as stated clerk?

While the Rev. Brian Ellison didn’t realize it at the time, umpiring T-ball games as a youth can be job training for work as a stated clerk, which Ellison does for both the Synod of Mid-America and Heartland Presbytery.

Challenging the ‘idolatry’ of the nuclear family

The first time the Rev. Lee Catoe heard the term “queer,” it was in the saying “queer as a $2 bill.” Sometimes it simply referred to something that was just odd, but other times it was referring to someone in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Breaking free from purity culture

The second Linda Kay Klein heard that the gunman in the March 16 shootings at three Atlanta spas considered his victims “stumbling blocks,” she knew he had been raised in purity culture.

If the land could speak, what stories would it tell?

After COVID-19 forced the cancelation of planned projects and in-person worship, Coastland Commons, a 1001 New Worshiping Community in Seattle Presbytery,  moved to Zoom discussions about their city’s history of land use by Black, Indigenous and people of color communities. After about six months of Zoom gatherings, they figured out a safe way to see Seattle anew through socially distanced community walks. They reached out to the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI), which organizes redlining tours in Seattle’s Capitol Hill and Central District neighborhoods.

Celebrating the gifts of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities

To fulfill a mandate from the 223rd General Assembly (2018), Presbyterian World Mission is asking present and past employees of World Mission to participate in a survey about any experiences they may have had or witnessed with regards to sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender identity or gender expression.

Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries funds grants to empower women, LGBTQIA communities

In an ongoing effort to build gender equity, the Women’s Leadership Development and Young Women’s Ministries of the Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries has awarded women’s ministries leadership development grants to two congregations: St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church in Beechwood, Ohio, where the Rev. Carmen Harwell is pastor, and the Seigle Avenue Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, now known as The Avenue Presbyterian Church.