Born in 1946, the Rev. Nibs Stroupe, now retired after serving for 34 years at the intercultural Oakhurst Presbyterian Church in Decatur, Georgia, grew up “in a totally segregated society” in Helena, Arkansas. He said he saw Black folk “all the time” while growing up, but “they didn’t feel like people” until he did some work in Brooklyn, New York as a young adult.
루이빌 –8월 30일 기독교 복음주의는 내쉬빌 성명서를 발표했다. 미국장로교의 사역인 신학&예배부서는 이 성명서에 대한 뉴스보도가 있었기에 미국장로교가 내쉬빌 성명서에서 논의된 문제들을 어떻게 고려하는지 명확히 하는 것이 도움이 될 것이라고 생각하였다. 다음은 우리 교단의 입장을 명확히 하는데 도움이 될 만한 몇 가지 생각들이다.
El pasado 30 de agosto, una serie de voces cristianas evangélicas emite La Declaración de Nashville. Debido a la cantidad de la cobertura de noticias que ha generado esta declaración, Teología y Adoración, un ministerio de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.), pensaron que sería útil una clarificación sobre como la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) ha considerado los temas tratados por la declaración de Nashville. Aquí están algunas ideas que podrían ayudar a clarificar la posición de nuestra denominación.
On August 30, a number of Evangelical Christian voices released The Nashville Statement. Because of the amount of news coverage this statement has generated, Theology and Worship, a ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), thought it would be helpful to clarify how the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has considered the issues discussed by the Nashville statement. Here are some thoughts which might help clarify the position of our denomination.
‘For decades, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pastors could face judicial charges within the church.’ These words are part of the opening screens of the recently released documentary, ‘Out of Order.’
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9)
Everyone can do something for peace.
What can one person do to advance world peace? Elizabeth Meehan, an elder at Presbyterian-New England Congregational Church of Saratoga Springs, New York, learned. Eight years ago, Meehan wanted to get involved in peacemaking, a cause that touches the environment, equitable access to resources, hunger, and many other topics. Meehan gained the support of her church’s Social Concerns Committee, and the Peace Fair was born.