The season of Lent — which begins March 6 with the observance of Ash Wednesday — has traditionally been a time to give up something, like chocolate or negative thinking. But rather than give up something over the next 40 days, why not try something new? Perhaps a new spiritual discipline? Presbyterians Today’s 2019 Lenten devotional invites you to do just that.
루이빌 –사순절은 기도, 금식 및 파스칼 신비에 대한 약속과 묵상의 시간입니다. 아마도 사순절을 살아가는 방법에 대하여 선지자보다 더 좋은 모델은 없을 것입니다. 회중, 가족 및 개인을 위해 고안된 2018년 오늘의 장로교인 사순절 묵상집은 재의 수요일부터 Presbyterian Today 블로그에 매일 소개됩니다.
The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and contemplation of the power and promise of the paschal mystery. Perhaps there are no better models of how to live Lent than the prophets. Designed for congregational, family and individual use, the 2018 Presbyterians Today Lenten devotional is now available for ordering.