Designed for congregational, family and individual use, the 2018 Presbyterians Today Lenten devotional is available in English, Spanish, Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese and Indonesian language versions.
“Journey to the Cross”, the popular youth and young adult Lenten devotional, returns to the popular daily devotion website d365 on Ash Wednesday, February 14, through Sunday, April 8.
Lent is a great time to focus more fully on our spiritual lives. For centuries, the church has encouraged us to give up something that brings us pleasure, so that we can be more in touch with Jesus’ self-denial. More recently, Christians have taken on new spiritual practices such as practicing intentional hospitality or reading the Scriptures more faithfully as a way of prioritizing God’s ways over our ways.
Two new resources for Lent are now available from Westminster John Knox Press. ‘Holy Solitude: Lenten Reflections with Saints, Hermits, Prophets, and Rebels’ by Heidi Haverkamp and ‘The Journey to Jerusalem: A Story of Jesus’ Last Days’ by John Pritchard provide a fresh perspective for the season, allowing you to reflect and connect in a new way.
The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and contemplation of the power and promise of the paschal mystery. Perhaps there are no better models of how to live Lent than the prophets. Designed for congregational, family and individual use, the 2018 Presbyterians Today Lenten devotional is now available for ordering.
If you go to a church that follows the Revised Common Lectionary, you may have heard (or preached) a sermon last Sunday based upon the story of Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus (John 11:1-44). Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from the dead is the last of John’s seven narrated “signs” of Jesus, all of which point to his identity as Messiah and lead people to believe in him.
What is Lent?
MB: Lent is a Christian season of practice, celebrated by some Christians, though not all. It’s not a prescription for holiness, but an invitation to relationship. Lent has its roots in the very early church, with some of those roots in preparation for baptism. During Lent the Scriptures remind us of God’s expectations for Israel, Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness and his journey to the cross.
As part of an ongoing series designed to engage Presbyterians in conversation and learning around Christian festival days and secular holidays, the Office of Theology and Worship continued its new Facebook Live series yesterday featuring the Rev. Dr. Charles Wiley III, coordinator for Theology and Worship.
Journey to the Cross, the annual devotional series for Lent, will return to the daily devotional website, d365—devotionals 365 days a year—beginning Ash Wednesday, March 1.
As another Lenten season begins tomorrow for Christians in the U.S. and across the globe, the Office of Theology and Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will offer helpful insights into the history of Ash Wednesday as well as reflections on its contemporary relevance and practice for Presbyterians through a variety of resources.