lagrange presbyterian church

Virtual church goes viral

LaGrange Presbyterian Church in LaGrange, Kentucky, had talked about posting its worship services online for years, but money and volunteer support seemed to be lacking. When the COVID-19 quarantine started, the church went into action to give members, friends and anyone else who might be looking for a virtual worship service an online option.

Kentucky church keeps on praying

Prayers for wisdom and unity continue in the United States, including on the National Day of Prayer, which first took place by presidential proclamation in 1952 and has been held on the first Thursday in May since 1988. The largest participation in National Day of Prayer events to date, in 2016, included millions of people praying together for our country during more than 48,000 interfaith gatherings in churches, parks, state capitals, stadiums, civic centers and many other locations, according to the nonprofit National Day of Prayer Task Force.