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korean presbyterian church of indianapolis
Bridging the division in Korea through reunification is a dream of many. Another dream has been to compile the history of mission workers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and partner churches in Korea from 1884 to the present. This connection of past and present mission workers in Korea by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and partner churches in Korea has become reality in the publication of the first “Korean-English Dictionary of Presbyterian Missionaries in Korea 1884-2020,” published March 27 in Korean.
The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 on a Sunday, the day of rest for most people.
On Sunday, June 23, Korean Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, Ind., invited Korean War veterans and their families for Sunday worship and fellowship following the service. The Korean church has observed Korean War Commemoration Sunday annually for over a decade, giving thanks for the sacrifice of those who fought on Korean soil.