keeping faith

신앙 지키기: 인종에 관한 신성한 대화

세인트 루이스—올해의 빅 텐트 모임과 내년 총회 장소인 세인트 루이스에서 제작된 신앙지키기Keeping Faith의 2017년 8월호를 이제 시청 및 다운로드 할 수 있다.

Mantenemos la fe: Conversaciones Sagradas sobre la Raza

La edición de agosto del 2017 de «Mantenemos la Fe» en St. Louis, lugar de la reunión de La Gran Carpa y la próxima Asamblea General, ya está disponible para su visualización y descarga.

Keeping Faith: Sacred Conversations on Race

The August 2017 edition of Keeping Faith from St. Louis, the site of this year’s Big Tent gathering and next year’s General Assembly, is now available for viewing and download.

Las dos caras de Puerto Rico

Como territorio de los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico es un paraíso tropical donde se pueden escuchar las olas del mar o admirar las hermosas montañas. Pero eso «puede ser malinterpretado», dice Luis J. Ocasio Torres, Moderador del Presbiterio de San Juan, «esta gente está bien, miren lo hermosos que son los hoteles».

The two faces of Puerto Rico

As a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico is a tropical paradise where one can listen to the ocean waves or admire the beautiful mountains. But that “can be misinterpreted,” says Luis J. Ocasio Torres, Moderator, San Juan Presbytery, as in “these guys are doing fine, look at how beautiful the hotels are.”

‘Keeping Faith’ video receives Telly Awards honor

The ‘Flint Water Crisis’ video story in the June 2016 ‘Keeping Faith’ segment with Tony De La Rosa, Interim Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, has received a Telly Awards honor.